Basing our professional expertise on continuous study & research of new and updated operational solutions, Fioravanti has it all: professionalism and diversity of solutions in the vast sea of international trade and commerce.
Fioravanti offers full customs and fiscal support practices that enable our Clients to stay on top of updates in various regulations and to efficiently manage clearance procedures and optimize their Supply Chain performance.
Customs operations
With our own national branch network and international agent network, performing any type of customs operations in almost any part of the world is possible.
Skill and professionalism is our motto when it comes to representing your Company in any customs proceedings both permanent and temporary, such as: import, export, transit declarations, VAT depot, customs free zones, inward and outward raw material and semi-finished processing and anything else your Company might require.
Intrastat Services
Fioravanti is experienced in preparation and submission of Intrastat declarations.
AEO – Authorized Economic Operator
The AEO status allows any economic operator established in the customs territory of the European Union who is part of the international supply chain to receive priority treatment at customs clearance, fewer physical and document-based controls and easier admittance to customs simplifications.
Fioravanti offers a side-by-side complete assistance to Clients wishing to pursue the AEO status, all the way from the application and pre-audit to the certification acquirement.
BTI (Binding Tariff Information) and BOI (Binding Origin Information) are written decisions helpful to classify tariffs and origin-related preferential treatment of goods and are legally binding decisions on all EU customs administrations.
Fioravanti can lend you experience on commodity classifications, as well as prepare and submit respective applications to competent Authorities.
Preferential Origin Certification – Approved Exporter Status
Considering the complexity and constant update of various International Trade agreements, it proves to be increasingly more difficult to stay up-to-date with new regulations and to consequently determine the preferential origin status of your goods.
Fioravanti is available to lead the entire process of obtaining the Approved Exporter status for you, from the request to the competent customs, all throughout the company audit and up until the final registration of the approved status.
Dual use
Dual-use items are goods, software and technology that can be used for both civilian and military applications. The EU controls the export, transit and brokering of dual-use items so the EU can contribute to international peace and security and prevent the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).
Fioravanti offers assistance in establishing a correct classification of your goods and verifying the governing EU regulations for the export, transit and brokering of dual-use items.
EORI stands for “Economic Operators Registration and Identification number” and identifies businesses, both EU and non, in all customs procedures on EU territory.
Fioravanti supports you during your application for the assignment of EORI number to the customs authorities.
Clearance procedures
Clearance procedures establish the accuracy of the information in the customs declaration, the authenticity of the relevant documents and compliance with all the obligations related to the entry of the goods.
A request for post-clearance amendment or invalidation can be submitted to Customs electronically or in writing by the exporter or by a representative that lodged the declaration on the declarant’s behalf within three years from the date when Customs accepted the export declaration.
Fioravanti assists you in error management and defining potential penalty exemption by lodging amendment requests on your behalf.
AEO Status Company Audit
We think that being customs compliant can save you money!
A rigorous company audit is the first step to evaluating divergences between existing company practices and AEO requirements, and is a mandatory practice for the AEO certification request.
We will follow you every step of the way during customs check-ups, offering you our expertise on the most essential practices for an efficient supply chain.
Digital Storage
Our digital storage service allows you to access all your documents in an instant, accessible with your Client login credentials.
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